Weekly industry

A series of carousels on LinkedIn to engage the target audience with the latest updates in the fintech industry.

Triple Technologies, a fintech startup, needed a series of weekly content pieces to communicate the main industry news in a dynamic and visually engaging way. The project initially involved creating static graphics, but I suggested a carousel format to maximise engagement and leverage LinkedIn’s features more effectively.
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The main challenge was to make complex and technical content accessible and appealing to the target audience, while maintaining brand consistency and varying graphic elements to avoid monotony. Additionally, finding relevant images for some specific topics was difficult, requiring creative solutions to maintain visual quality.
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To enhance visual effectiveness, I divided the weekly news into 12 slides, structured to maintain attention. Each carousel featured an introductory cover, two slides per news item with targeted images, and a concluding slide with the company logo and link. I created a colour rotation system that alternated three brand colours (white, green, and purple) to sustain visual interest and ensure a dynamic experience. For particularly complex topics, instead of images, I used SVG logos of the mentioned companies, modifying them to harmonise with the brand’s palette.
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The carousels received very positive feedback for their ability to make complex content accessible and capture the target audience’s attention. Through the strategic use of images, colours, and layouts, the carousels became a key element of Triple Technologies’ weekly communication, helping to strengthen the brand presence and improve engagement on LinkedIn. This format was integrated into the company’s content strategy, highlighting the value of the visual proposal and communication consistency.